Friday, November 6, 2009

ICM Class Notes - Using PHP - November 5, 2009

In today’s ICM class we reviewed basic concepts associated to PHP, and discussed when to use PHP (as a stand alone solution, or in conjunction with Processing).

PHP – Hypertext Pre-Processor Language
PHP was designed for server-side scripting – for development of applications that run on servers. In contrast, Processing (and Java on which it is built) was developed for client side applications – for development of programs that run on client-side computers. Originally designed to serve dynamic web content. In short, PHP enables us to store and capture information from a server more effectively and efficiently than Processing.

Here is an example of an application where PHP is used to store data for a Processing sketch. This code was written by Dan Shiffman, my professor at ITP, and it features a shared white board, where users can add new coordinates that can be viewed by all other users (anyone can also clear the board). PHP can also be used to develop a multi-user high score feature for a game developed in Processing.

How to Run PHP?
In order to run PHP you need a server or computer that is properly set-up. Most web servers support PHP, though the ones that are based on Microsoft solutions tend not to. That said, even servers that support PHP need to be properly set-up. Luckily for us, the ITP server is already set up for PHP. Many desktop and laptop computers can also be set-up to run PHP scripts.

PHP code is usually embedded in HTML documents. To embed PHP code into an HTML document the following identifiers are used: “” ends a code block. It is important to note that PHP code will not be present on the HTML source available via web browers. The reason being, the PHP code on the server is used to dynamically generate the HTML code that is sent to your computer, and viewable as source.

The Basic Elements of Coding – PHP Style
The basic concepts associated to PHP coding are similar to those used in Processing. PHP is an object-oriented language that features all of the same attributes: variables, conditionals, loops, functions, classes, etc. Here is a quick overview of some basic similarities and differences between these two tools.

Primitive Variables
All variables in PHP need to be defined/initiated by being assigned a value. To identify a variable the variable name needs to be preceded by the “$” character. However, unlike Processing, PHP does not require or support the typing of variables. This is a more flexible approach than Processing but it also opens the doors to more mistakes not being caught by the compiler.

Example variable definition code: “$ x = 5;”

To make an array in PHP you just assign an “array(arrayElements)” to any variable name. As with primitive variables, there is no need to define the array type. To add elements to an array is simple simpler than in Processing, as shown below. It is important to note a PHP array can also hold different types of data.
  • Creating an array: “$arraySample = array(0,1,2,3);”
  • Adding an element to an array: “$arraySample[] = 5;”
PHP also supports associative arrays as well. These arrays indentify each data element by a name as opposed to an index number. These arrays can be used in interesting ways. They are available in Processing through Java.
  • Using an associative array: “$arraySample[“fred”] = 50;”
Conditionals and Loops
The syntax for loops and conditional statements is identical to that found in Processing.

Functions and OOP in PHP
In PHP to define a function it name needs to be preceded by the identifier “function”. Similar to variables definitions, functions are not typed. Class definitions feature the same overall structure, though the constructor name is identified as “function _constructor()”. When working with instances of objects the “->” in PHP replaces the “.” in Processing.

Query Strings
Query string refers to HTML urls that reference PHP scripts and contain information that can be processed by the PHP script to dynamically generate content (HTML or other text-based documents). Since PHP primarily runs on web servers, this is the main way in which information is passed to PHP scripts. Here is an example where the identifier “name” contains data element “Julio”, “nationality” contains “brazil”, and “residence” contains “nyc”.


Online, these query strings are most often used to transmit data captured from users via a web forms. Processing applications can generate query scripts that both request data and initiate other activities on the server side.

Reading Query Strings
To read values from query strings an associative array is used. PHP creates an associative array that pairs each identifier from the query string (which is always consistent) with a data element (which is variable). This array is called $_GET. Here is a sample line of code to read my name from the query string above into the variable $name:

“$name =$_GET[“name”];”

PHP Resources
  • Dan shared with us Coda, a development environment that enables programmers to access and edit PHP and HTML files on the server. Coda is a text editor and ftp application combined in one.
  • In today’s class we got to see Josh K’s project, a sketch that generates a line that evolves in a 3D space using the principles of Perlin noise. It is a great looking visual, unfortunately, he has not yet posted the sketch online.

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