Friday, October 16, 2009

IPC Class Notes, Serial Communications - week 6

This week’s class covered basic principles associated to using serial communication to get the Arduino to communicate with applications on a multimedia computer. The focus of our discussion was on using the Arduino as in input device. I've already completed the lab for this week, here's my post about how it went.

Though I have some experience in this area, having created a joystick for a game that I developed a few weeks ago, I did not understand how to create Arduino applications that leverage serial communications without using an existing library (such as firmata). This was very limiting because I was having issues with firmata.

Basic Concepts Related to Serial Communication with the Arduino
We began our exploration into serial communication by reviewing several key concepts and functions. First off, it is important to always keep in mind that only one application can use a serial port at a time (there will be no sharing of serial ports).
  • ASCII – ASCII is the protocol used to transmit standard display characters, such as letter, numbers, spaces, etc. The acronym stands for American Symbolic Code for Information Interchange.
  • Local versus remote: Computers cannot access each other’s code directly. They can only access messages that are exchanged via ports such as the serial one.
  • FIFO – Messages are sent between the computer and a microcontroller using first in and first out organization. This is helpful because it makes sure that messages are received in the order they were sent.
  • BYTE – is a setting that tells serial communication functions to send the raw value of a number using a single byte. This assumes that the value of the number will be between 0 and 255 since this is the only range of values that can be communicate using a single byte [one byte is composed of 8 bits which is equivalent to 2 to the power of 8, 256.
  • DEC – is a setting that tells serial communication functions to send the value coded in ascii format. In this case the number 255 would be coded by 3 different bytes, each byte holding a separate character.
  • Serial.print() – function that sends information, which it accepts as a string argument, via the serial port. The standard setting transmits information as ASCII characters (in other words, it uses DEC mode).
  • Serial.Println() – similar to print() function but adds two bytes to each transmission, a line feed and a carriage return. It features the same standard setting as Serial.print().
Here is a short list of additional functions that we did not cover in class but are related to serial communication.
  • Serial.write() – similar to the print() function but only sends information as BYTE.
  • – function that reads information from the buffer. It reads the first byte of incoming data. If there is not new communications then it will return a -1.
  • Serial.available() – function that reads the buffer to determine how many bytes are available for reading. The serial buffer can hold up to 128 bytes.
  • Serial.flush() – function that clears the buffer. It essentially erases all data from the buffer.
Levels of agreement for serial communications
  • Physical (which pins to use? how are messages physically transmitted?)
  • Electrical (what level of voltage does each device require?)
  • Logical (what does a pulse mean – is it considered a 1 or a 0? )
  • The data (what do the 1’s and 0’s represent? How should they be grouped)
  • The application (what does the groups of 0’s and 1’s signify to the application?)
Using the serial library – in Processing
On the Arduino the serial library and class is a standard part of the codeset. Therefore, you don’t need to include any additional libraries in order to send and receive data via the serial port. Unfortunately, that is not the case for Processing. That is not to say that it is hard to use the serial port in processing. Here is what you have to do:
  • At the top of your sketch you need to include the serial library, since this class is not part of the core Arduino codeset.
  • Declare an object from the serial class.
  • Create the serial object, using three arguments: (1) “this”, which tells the computer that this program is using the serial port; (2) serial port location; and (3) connection speed.
Reading serial data with processing
  • Option 1- Create a function titled serialEvent. This function is similar to mousePressed, except that it is called whenever the serial buffer fills up. This is where most of the action will happen. Be sure to pass on as an argument the serial port where the data will be available (e.g. serialEvent(Serial serialObjectPort) {code here}).
  • Option 2 – use an if statement in the draw section of the program that checks if there is information available in the serial buffer (e.g. serialObjectPort.available()) {code to execute}). This approach usually works a bit slower because the draw function may be in the middle of a loop, and it will need to wait until the next loop iteration to run the code. Whereas the serialEvent() function will run regardless of the state of the draw function.
Random Additional Notes:
Cornflake: great tool to use when developing applications that leverage serial communications. Allows developer to view the content of the serial port using both byte values and ascii characters. Also makes it easy to shut off connection to port, which is important because only one application can use the serial port at once.
Check out the video and image library on processing to be able to create interfaces similar to the drawing-music one shown here.

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